Dusty Rides Again

Interesting findings from around the web.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Comcast speed increase this summer

I came across an article over at CNET with some info from the president of Comcast. Coming this summer is a feature called Speed Boost. When you're at your PC, your bandwidth will jump from 6Mbps to 16Mbps. The details on how this will actually work were not given. I don't really care if my bandwidth drops to 1mb when I'm not using my PC. Having 16Mbps of speed is great, but I believe what most people would like to see is a price decrease of the 6Mbps package. Most DSL packages out there are going for $24.95. I'd like to see a similarly priced package from Comcast.


  • At 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think CNN got their wires crossed. Comcast is testing bursting technology and they are rolling out a 16 megabit service, but they are different things.

    The bursting will be that the 6 megabit service jumps to 10 megabits for the first 10 megs of a download and then drops back. This makes Web surfing faster because most files downloaded during surfing are less than 10 megs.

    They have already rolled out a 16 meg gold level service in areas that have Verizon FIOS and rumors are that it will be available everywhere by the end of Summer.

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