Faucet Light

Interesting findings from around the web.
Sony claims they've been unable to get the rumble feature of the Dualshock PS2 controller to work in conjunction with the new motion-sensing PS3 controller. Personally, I think it has more to do with the $90 million lawsuit they lost to Immersion, the patent holder on the vibration tech.
This is a video of a prototype desktop called BumpTop. It's modeled after a real-life desk, where the chaos still can have some sort of organization to to the owner. The demo is physics-based, allowing you to toss files around and make your own piles. It especially looks useful for sorting photos.
Even though I'd rather not give Dodge free advertising, this commerical is funny. It was submitted to me by Chris.
For years, the government has been relocating the world's geniuses (and their families) to the picturesque Pacific Northwest town of Eureka, where daily life straddles the line between unprecedented innovation and total chaos. U.S. Marshal Jack Carter (Colin Ferguson) finds this out firsthand when he wrecks his car and becomes stranded there. After the town's eccentric inhabitants unleash a scientific creation still unknown to the outside world, Carter steps in to restore order and consequently is let in on one of our country's best-kept secrets.
What happens when you combine 200 liters of Diet Coke and over 500
Mentos mints? It's amazing and completely insane. The first part of this video demonstrates a simple geyser, and the second part shows just how extreme it can get. Over one hundred jets of soda fly into the air in less than three minutes. It's a hysterical and spectacular mint-powered version of the Bellagio Fountains in Las Vegas, brought to you by the mad scientists at EepyBird.com